
This site is an archive for The Breeders, including live shows, studio sessions, photos, interviews and more!

If you have anything you can provide to the archive such as live recordings, photos, flyers, magazine scans, ticket stubs or general information, please contact BreedersArchiveContact@gmail.com

This archive couldn’t exist without the wealth of material shared by fans.


This website is still a work in progress, currently I’m working on making the Tour History section up to date. At the moment it is pretty much complete from 1989-2008. Some shows might have an ‘S’ marked on them, that means they have a setlist for me to add in the future. Shows that don’t have any additional info/media (setlists, ticket stubs, flyers, photos, etc.) will not have their own page.

Breeders Archive

Legal Disclaimer: The resources and documents presented on this site are strictly for information purposes only. Please contact BreedersArchiveContact@gmail.com for any legal inquiries